Perhaps every person you ask how he feels about abortion will answer you that he is exclusively against it. However, there are situations in life when a woman is forced to have an abortion, and it’s hard to disagree with her, because the future baby should be, first of all, desirable, and not remind you of some unpleasant moments of life that I would like to forget forever.

For those couples who have not used any form of contraception but who would like it to be used, emergency contraception provides a critical second chance to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. Young people are often not ready for their first sexual intercourse. The most important use of emergency contraception is sexual abuse. Sexual abuse crisis centers routinely provide emergency contraception, even in countries where this method is not common.

Can emergency contraception reduce the number of abortions? To help prevent an unintended pregnancy, emergency contraception can reduce the need for an abortion. In the Netherlands, which has the lowest abortion rates among developed countries, young people use contraceptives, and emergency contraception has been recognized and widely used for decades. Preliminary studies in Finland show that the abortion rate among adolescents has dropped significantly since widespread information was disseminated to the general public about emergency contraception.

Previously surgery was the only way out, but it still poses a serious threat to a woman's life, and mortality due to surgical abortion currently averages twenty percent in Russia. Recently there have been abortion pills which can be used early. The most commonly used drugs are Postinor, Penkraton, Mifolian, Mifepristone, Mifeprex, and Mifegin.

Abortion is one of the leading causes of death for women of reproductive age in many developing countries where abortion is still illegal and unsafe. In addition, abortion is a very poor source of medical resources. In such circumstances, the option of using emergency contraception can reduce unnecessary death and suffering. It could also reduce the growing need for hospital beds, nursing staff, blood donors and drugs needed to treat life-threatening complications of abortions performed by unskilled doctors outside of medical facilities.

Abortion drugs

— This drug has been used for a long time for emergency contraception. It is perfect in cases where contraceptives were not used during intercourse. The Postinor package contains only a couple of tablets, which include levonorgestrel.

According to experts, the drug does not give a 100% guarantee that the pregnancy will stop, but only 85% hope. The first tablet is best taken immediately after sexual intercourse, but no later than 74 hours, but the second tablet is already taken after 12 hours.

How many women used emergency contraception? Emergency contraception is mainly used in developed countries where emergency contraceptives are sold in specialized packaging in appropriate doses and with instructions for doctors and patients. These products make it easier to dispense and use emergency contraceptive pills. In most developed countries, women have heard of the "morning pill". However, many do not know how to use it after unsafe intercourse. A study by the Kaiser Foundation found that only about one percent of American women have ever used emergency contraception, and only about a quarter of gynecologists use it regularly.

- This drug is approved for use in early pregnancy as emergency contraception. Active ingredient is mifepristone. Pencrofton can be used for early termination of pregnancy in young women who do not yet have children, because. it does not lead to secondary infertility.

- Included in this modern drug, intended for termination of pregnancy for up to six weeks, includes mifepristone, which contributes to the detachment of the fetal egg from the uterus.
Sometimes Mifolian is used to speed up natural childbirth.

Studies conducted by the Consortium for Immediate Contraception in Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico and Sri Lanka, as well as studies by researchers from other developing countries, have shown that the level of knowledge and use is rather low. Will the use of emergency contraception ruin young sex life and irresponsibility?

There is no evidence that young people become sexually active if they are aware of emergency contraception. Often, the need for emergency contraception leads sexually active young people to family planning clinics, where they can receive other services and advice, as well as help with learning to say “no” when they choose to abstain from intercourse. For adolescents who are already sexually active, emergency contraception becomes a bridge to effective protection from pregnancy and disease prevention.

- This drug contributes to the detachment of the fetal egg for up to six weeks - for this, a woman needs to take three tablets of the drug at once at a time. The active substance is the component of the same name called mifepristone.

- This drug is suitable for terminating a pregnancy up to 42 days. Main advantages this drug is high efficiency and excellent tolerance. After taking the drug, a woman may have spotting for several days.

Will women stop using other contraceptives if emergency contraception becomes available? Accumulating evidence shows that most women will not stop using conventional contraception if emergency contraception becomes available. The side effects of emergency contraceptive pills, although medically unimportant, preclude emergency contraception as a regular measure to prevent unintended pregnancy. In addition, emergency contraceptive pills are less effective in preventing pregnancy and more expensive than conventional contraception, and there are two other factors that discourage regular use of this method.

- This French-made drug is the most reliable means for terminating a pregnancy for up to six weeks. Its efficiency is as close as possible to 100 percent.

Abortion drugs - disadvantages

The disadvantage of these drugs lies, first of all, in their side effects - such as impaired blood clotting and bleeding.

Recent studies in Scotland have shown that access to emergency contraception is unlikely to negatively impact the use of conventional contraceptives or encourage the use of emergency contraception. Similarly, a study in Zambia showed that after the adoption of emergency contraceptive pills most women who did not normally use conventional family planning methods chose to use conventional contraception. Even among those using conventional family planning methods, the use of emergency contraception was strongly associated with the use of more effective methods.

Also, abortion pills can lead to an increase in the likelihood of tumor formation, hormonal disorders and inflammatory processes in the genitals. Alas, unlike surgical abortion, medical abortion cannot promise 100% effectiveness.

Medical abortion benefits

  • The benefits of medical abortion include:
  • There is no need to go to the hospital;
  • The process of rejection of the fetal egg practically does not differ from menstruation;
  • No chance of contracting HIV;
  • There is practically no risk of developing secondary infertility;
  • There is no need for surgery and anesthesia.

However, despite all the benefits of abortion pills, it should be remembered that self-medication with pregnancy pills dangerous to the life of a woman and before using them, it is imperative to check for the absence of an ectopic pregnancy.

However, for some users, emergency contraceptive pills raise awareness of the disadvantages hormonal contraception. In such cases, the prescription of emergency contraception led to the absence of conventional methods of family planning. The results of another study in Ghana, in which 211 people were previously given spermicide pills with emergency contraception, indicate that the availability of emergency contraception does not affect the incidence of unsafe sex.

If men knew their partners could use emergency contraception, would they be likely to use condoms? Couples use condoms to protect against unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, condoms should be used for persons at risk of sexually transmitted infections. On the other hand, women and men may rely more on condoms if they know they can always take emergency contraception if a condom breaks or slips.

In the life of every woman, there may come a period when the birth of a baby is extremely undesirable for a number of reasons. Under such circumstances, every girl pays attention to the issue of contraception, and often gives her preference to the use of condoms.

Unfortunately, even this proven method does not reliably protect against fertilization in all cases. Often condoms are not of the best quality and can break at any time. However, sexual intercourse, which is highly likely to lead to conception, can occur for completely different reasons.

Will it be costly to introduce emergency contraception into the existing reproductive health system? Emergency contraception is a very economical option. After a very short training, any healthcare worker who is eligible for oral contraception can use emergency contraceptive pills. Once explained, emergency contraception can also be directed to women during regular family planning visits to be able to use them at home when they need it.

Although the cost of commercially available products may be higher than the cost of a tablet cycle, these targeted products contribute to their safe and effective use. In addition, health systems save money by avoiding unplanned pregnancies or unsafe abortions rather than covering the cost of emergency contraception and services. The most expensive thing is to teach a woman to use opportunities.

In such a situation, you can use medications preventing the implantation of a fertilized egg. In this article we will tell you what pills can be from unwanted pregnancy for early use, how to drink them correctly, and why this should only be done as a last resort.

What are the pills for terminating an unwanted pregnancy?

To urgently terminate an unwanted pregnancy, you can use three different types of pills:

Contraceptives that you can buy and use without consulting a doctor. There are many contraceptives - they differ in their degree of effectiveness, principle of action and price. Most of them can be bought without a prescription, they are easy to use, have minimal side effects so no doctor's advice is needed.

One such measure is condoms. They can be used by anyone who wants to have a healthy sex life regardless of age. Condoms are easy to buy - they can be found not only in pharmacies, but also in ordinary grocery stores, gas stations for a much lower price than other contraceptive measures. They protect not only against unintended pregnancy, but also against most sexually transmitted diseases and infections, and help control premature seed leakage.

  • combined
  • gestagenic preparations;
  • antitropic agents.

Everything from an unwanted pregnancy needs to be taken in different ways. However, any such drugs should be drunk as soon as possible after the sexual intercourse and no later than 72 hours after it. After this time, emergency contraception has absolutely no meaning, but it can have an extremely negative impact on the state of the woman's body.

At your age, a condom is probably the most affordable and convenient choice. However, in order to be effective, it is important to use the condom correctly, as it can break or slip. There is a myth that two condoms are safer than one, but this is not true - it only increases the chance of breaking due to friction.

When opening the package, do not use sharp tools, teeth, nails, and the used condom should be thrown into the wastebasket, then tightly tied to it and wrapped with a paper towel. Most importantly, remember that a condom can only be used once!

How to take COCs for emergency contraception?

Reception combined oral contraceptives, or COCs, for emergency protection is carried out according to the following scheme: first you will have to take 200 micrograms of ethinylestradiol and 1 mg of levonorgestrel, and after 12 hours repeat this action. With these drugs, you should act very carefully, because even with a slight overdose, they can provoke uterine bleeding.

Other medicines you can buy without a prescription are spermicides, diaphragm, cervical, sponge. They are used before sex - a spermicide cream, jelly, sponge or cervical spermicide is added to the vagina, which neutralizes sperm cells, preventing them from moving and entering the uterus. These measures are suitable for you if you are in an infrequent relationship, but your contraceptive effect is not great, so look for alternatives.

Emergency contraception is called the pill, which is used in "extra" cases - after unplanned, unsafe sex, a condom, or after rape. The first tablet should be taken within 72 hours of such a relationship, and the second after 12 hours. These pills inhibit and delay ovulation by slowing down the fertilization process or preventing a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. However, if the girl is already pregnant, this measure will not stop the pregnancy.

In addition, COCs have a number of serious contraindications, in particular:

If you decide to use the method of emergency termination of pregnancy using COCs, the following drugs will help you:

Unfortunately, the use of emergency contraception can delay or delay the menstrual period, protect against sexually transmitted diseases, and have a very limited period of effectiveness. Emergency contraception is used only in extreme cases, it should not become a permanent measure!

Contraceptives available after consultation with your doctor. Birth control pills safe and reliable, but you should check with your doctor before taking them. Birth control pills are one of the most effective methods of contraception. They inhibit ovulation and the ability of the uterine lining to absorb a fertilized egg, thicken the lining of the cervix. However, as with other measures, it is important to follow the exact instructions for use in order to be effective.

  • "Ovidon"– take 4 tablets at once and repeat after 12 hours;
  • "Aless"- take 5 tablets twice in 12 hours;
  • "Levlen"- Take 4 tablets and repeat the dose after 12 hours.
Reception of gestagens for the purpose of emergency protection

Gestagens are used for this purpose most often. The most famous drug in this category is the Hungarian remedy Postinor. One tablet of "Postinor" to protect against unwanted pregnancy should be drunk in the first 72 hours after sex, and one more - 12 hours after the first.

Another progestogen drug used for this purpose is Norkolut. 5 mg of this remedy can be drunk daily, but not more than 14 days a year. Using this method, you will definitely not get pregnant, but it, like others, is quite dangerous.

What antitropic drugs are used for emergency protection against unwanted pregnancy?

Usually for this purpose, drugs such as:

Be very careful, because emergency contraception is incredibly dangerous and can provoke irreversible consequences. If possible, before using such medications, you should definitely consult a doctor.