An IUD is an intrauterine device, which is a plastic or metal device that prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus. Thus, the abortive effect of the intrauterine device is carried out. This means that if fertilization occurs, then the IUD does not allow the possibility of implantation of the embryo in the uterus. Thus, he dies, as a rule, at the age of 5-10 days.

Intrauterine device: how does it work and affect the body?

The IUD, unlike other contraceptives, is not a means of preventing the movement of sperm. These plastic, silver or copper contraceptives directly affect the spermatozoa, which lose their ability to be fertilized. Also, the principle of operation of the intrauterine device is to change the properties of the uterine mucosa. The IUD makes it unsuitable for embryo implantation. Therefore, this contraceptive drug acts as an abortifacient.

In addition, it should be noted that there are IUDs containing hormones. The principle of this type of intrauterine device is no different from the above IUDs, however, such a contraceptive leads to a gradual disappearance of menstruation (amenorrhea). It also affects the permeability of the cervix for pathogenic microbes and spermatozoa.

Contraceptive action The Navy is kept permanently. It works even during menstruation. The effectiveness of this contraceptive may weaken only after its expiration date. Today, there are IUDs designed to be used for several years.

Pros and cons of the intrauterine device

The Navy is the only contraceptive, which contributes to a long term contraceptive action. The only exception is surgical sterilization. However, unlike this method, IUD is a reversible procedure. After the expiration date of this contraceptive, a woman can restore her ability to conceive within three months.

Also, everyone who is wondering how the pregnancy spiral works should know that this contraceptive can be used in the presence of various therapeutic diseases. However, in diseases of the blood system, the IUD can have a negative effect on general state women. In any case, before using this drug you should learn how the intrauterine device works. Videos with recommendations can be easily found on specialized Internet sites.

It is worth noting that the action of the IUD can lead to other side effects. The most serious side effect is the risk of inflammation. As a rule, this is facilitated by the presence of a foreign body in the uterus. To get acquainted with other side effects that occur during the operation of the IUD, you need to look at the instructions. Intrauterine device, which has an abortive effect, guarantees efficiency at the level of 97-98%. Thus, there is a minimal possibility that a woman will become pregnant while using this drug.

This method is very common in the world. Let's try to separate the truth from the fiction about this method...
  • Intrauterine spirals... The intrauterine device is a small device made of plastic and copper that is inserted...
  • Medical control... The IUD is a very common method of contraception. It is inexpensive, does not cause discomfort, enough ...
  • Cons of intrauterine... The main disadvantage of using an intrauterine device is that the body of the uterus remains slightly open ...
  • Instructions for installation... The principle of operation of the intrauterine device is to block the movement of spermatozoa into the uterus, reducing ...
  • Contraindications for use... For the fair sex, family planning plays a very important role. At the same time, don't...
  • Many women are interested in the technical issues of implanting an intrauterine device. Reliability is important to many...
  • Mirena spiral Table of contents
    General characteristicsTherapeutic intrauterine system Mirena as an intrauterine contraceptive...
  • What is it - intrauterine ... The intrauterine device is such a small thing made of metal and plastic. The spiral takes...
  • An intrauterine device will not save you if your partner has a sexually transmitted infection.

    When installing an IUD, there is a danger, though very small, about 0.1%, that you will pierce the wall of the uterus. All operations related to the intrauterine device are carried out only by a physician. It is absolutely impossible to pull it out or insert it yourself. Periodically, about once every six months, it is necessary to be shown for preventive purposes, if everything is in order. And if something worries, then urgently see a doctor.

    We can consider this type on the example of the Mirena spiral, as the most common in our country. She has the same look as her predecessors, that is, the letters "T", but in addition there is a small container that contains hormonal drug. The drug gradually flows out of the container and creates additional protection. This remedy long-acting, it works effectively for sixty months.
    This tool works in the following way: it reduces sperm motility and ages the egg faster. In addition, it has an effect on the inner lining of the uterus, preventing the egg from being implanted.

    Before the appointment of this type of IUD, a medical examination is mandatory. Only a doctor inserts an IUD. Like other spirals, this type is also used mainly for women who already have children, in other cases for special indications.

    The IUD is a very common method of contraception. It is inexpensive, does not cause discomfort, is quite effective, has no side effects and does not have a negative psychological effect.

    Unfortunately, all these positive aspects have a downside. Only the doctor introduces the spiral, in no case do not try to carry out this procedure on your own. This process is preceded by procedures that only a doctor can do. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out not very pleasant manipulations. The spiral is mainly installed by women with children.

    Install the spiral from the fourth to the seventh day of the cycle. However, after recent operations, the spiral is placed immediately at the end of the next critical days. At least ninety days must have elapsed since the birth of the child.
    When the coil is installed, it is necessary to pay a visit to the doctor from time to time to make sure that the position is normal and that there are no side effects. A soft and almost imperceptible fishing line departs from the spiral, it ends inside the vagina without going outside. By her presence, the doctor determines that the patient is all right. In the same case, if the line is not visible, this may mean the following: the line just fell off, and the intrauterine device is in place, the IUD fell out, and the patient does not know about it, the patient is pregnant and the line is inside the uterus, the IUD pierced the wall of the uterus and crawled out into peritoneum. With such symptoms, a thorough investigation will be carried out. What to do in this case, the doctor will decide according to the results of the study and the position of the spiral.

    The coil is usually installed for twenty-four months, then removed for six to eight weeks.

    The principle of operation of the intrauterine device is to block the movement of spermatozoa into the uterus, reducing the life span of the egg. Also, the spiral prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine cavity.

    Before deciding on the installation of an intrauterine device, it is necessary to consult a specialist, only a gynecologist can determine whether such a method of contraception is acceptable. For example, IUDs are advised to use only if there is one permanent sexual partner. The use of an IUD can increase the likelihood of developing inflammatory processes female genital organs. Having multiple sexual partners increases the likelihood of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, so the use of an IUD is not recommended in this case.

    The use of an intrauterine device is contraindicated in diseases of the pelvic organs, pathologies of the uterus (for example, with erosive lesions of the cervix, the use of a spiral is not recommended).

    Such contraceptives are recommended for nulliparous women, since intrauterine devices can increase the likelihood of developing inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, and these diseases can affect a woman's ability to have a baby. Therefore, the IUD advises nulliparous women only when the likelihood unwanted pregnancy extremely high, and other methods of protection are not acceptable.

    The intrauterine device is such a small thing made of metal and plastic. The spiral ranks second in terms of reliability among contraceptives. IUDs can be installed for a long time. The most modern models up to 10 years.

    The spiral is considered the oldest way to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Its first types, of course, are completely different from what is widely used in modern medical practice. The history of the spiral as we know it can be traced back to the second decade of the twentieth century. And the spiral was widely used in the second half of the same century.
    The mechanism of action is based on preventing sperm from entering the body of the uterus. When installing a spiral, the egg ages much faster, in addition, if fertilization has occurred, it will not be able to infiltrate the body of the uterus.

    Whether to install an intrauterine device can only be decided by your doctor. There are conditions under which this method is not recommended. IUDs are usually placed in women who have permanent man. This is due not only to the fact that the IUD is not able to protect you from possible infection with various infections. The presence of an intrauterine device provokes the occurrence of inflammation of the pelvic organs. The more often you change men, the greater the chance of getting an unpleasant infection. In this regard, girls who have relationships with several men, or often change them, are advised to choose a different method of contraception.
    Regular exercise is not a contraindication for installing an IUD. Spontaneous exit into the vagina is very rare. Usually in the first couple of months of use and more often during critical days. On these days, training is better to cancel or reduce.

    For the fair sex, family planning plays a very important role. At the same time, not everyone is ready to take birth control pills, and maybe someone simply cannot do this for health reasons. An intrauterine device will come to the rescue. It has a high efficiency, although less than that of tablets. But there is a plus - a spiral is placed every few years.
    The principle of operation of the IUD has been familiar to people since time immemorial. The Bedouin used it to prevent pregnancy in pack animals. But this method has become widely available only since the 60s of the last century.
    To get started, pay a visit to your doctor. There are a number of patients who are prohibited from using an IUD.

    Spirals are not used if the patient has diseases of the uterus, ovaries or appendages during examination; if the patient has a contagious disease; if there are neoplasms in the pelvic organs; if there is or is suspected malignant tumors; lowered, moreover, the reason does not matter; blood loss; deformations in the genitals; insulin dependence.
    Women who have not yet had children are not usually advised to insert an IUD because side effects from the use of an intrauterine device can affect the function of reproduction.

    Immediately after the installation of the IUD for several cycles, failures in the normal course of menstruation are possible. Soon these phenomena should pass, otherwise by all means go to the doctor. Perhaps there are hidden ailments, they need to be identified and treated in a timely manner.

    The IUD is a small device made of plastic and copper that is inserted into the uterus. It is a fairly reliable method of contraception, although its reliability is slightly lower compared to oral contraceptives. The duration of operation of different Naval Forces, as a rule, is 3-5 years.

    The history of the emergence of the Navy

    This remedy is one of the ancient methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy. According to historical sources, intrauterine devices were used even more than 4 millennia ago. Naturally, in that era, such funds were not like modern Navy, which are more harmless and reliable. Most similar to modern spirals appeared in 1926. Then German doctor Ernst Grefenberg proposed to use a ring as an intrauterine contraception, which consisted of alloys of metals such as bronze, brass and a small amount of copper (later it will be proved that the effectiveness of the intrauterine device depends on its copper, and not gold or silver, as was believed previously).

    Jack Lipps, an American researcher in the field of intrauterine contraception, developed the so-called Lipps Loop in 1960, which differed from other similar means in that it contained elastic substances. This minimized damage to the female genital organs during the insertion of the IUD. Since then, these funds have gained popularity.

    The intrauterine device is quite easy to use. It is installed by a gynecologist, this manipulation usually does not cause any difficulties. Contraceptive action begins immediately after installation. If a woman decides to conceive a child, then this issue can be dealt with immediately after removing the intrauterine device. Another significant advantage of the IUD is a long period of validity - up to six years.

    To the pluses contraceptive spiral refers to the fact that the new generation of contraceptives are designed so that neither a woman nor a man feel them, and they do not affect the quality of sexual intercourse. The only thing a woman should do is to be examined by her gynecologist once every six months. There are intrauterine devices containing hormones that have a positive effect on the body: they reduce menstrual pain and prevent the development inflammatory diseases(pelvic organs). Such a spiral does not affect weight gain, does not contribute to a change blood pressure.

    How does an intrauterine device work

    The contraceptive coil affects the ability of sperm to move through the cervix. It prevents the implantation of the egg in the walls of the uterus. Progestin-containing coils prevent ovulation. A spiral containing copper has a detrimental effect not only on spermatozoa, but also on the egg. The effectiveness of this contraceptive is quite high due to the summation of different mechanisms of action and is about 90%.

    Introduction of the spiral

    Recommended the introduction of an intrauterine device on the second to eighth day of the menstrual cycle in conditions medical institution. During this period, the mucous membrane is the least vulnerable, and the cervical canal is ajar. This makes the insertion of the IUD safe and less traumatic. Before installing the spiral, a vaginal examination is mandatory, as well as probing the uterine cavity. An experienced gynecologist exposes the cervix with the help of mirrors, then treats it with an antiseptic, anesthetizes if necessary. For the introduction of the spiral, a special conductor is used, through which the contraceptive is inserted with caution. After installing the IUD, the conductor is removed, and the threads are cut off.

    Possible Complications

    In some cases, complications may occur after the introduction of an intrauterine device. The most common complication is infection, the development of local inflammation on the cervix, fallopian tubes or the uterus itself. This situation occurs with insufficient observance of antiseptic measures, as well as if a woman suffers from one or another chronic disease. The main symptoms of inflammation: severe pain in the lower abdomen and genital area, discoloration of the discharge, fever. Infectious complications require treatment with antibiotics, hospitalization is possible.

    Perforation of the uterine wall is another rather serious, but rare complication with the introduction of an intrauterine device. During the insertion of the IUD, there may be no symptoms at all. They appear later, include pulling pains in the abdomen, as well as bleeding from the genital tract (in severe cases, symptoms of peritonitis are observed).


    There are a number of contraindications to the use of the contraceptive spiral:
    - cervical erosion;
    - scars on the uterus after childbirth;
    - uterine bleeding;
    - violation of blood clotting;
    - malignant neoplasms in the uterus;
    - chronic infections of the internal genital organs;
    - suspicion of pregnancy;
    - Allergy to the components of the spiral.

    An unwanted pregnancy can ruin even the strongest relationship between a man and a woman.

    To prevent this from happening, you need to know the methods and methods of contraception. This is especially important for girls. Unwanted pregnancy is a question with which people often come to see a gynecologist. To the choice protective agent needs to be taken seriously. by the most effective method contraception is considered a hormonal intrauterine device (IUD). According to the World Health Organization, after a statistical study, it turned out that more than 50 million female representatives use intrauterine contraception. In popularity, the Navy is second only to hormonal contraceptives for oral use.

    What is a spiral

    The intrauterine device is a plastic device that can be T or S shaped. The T-shaped has a plastic transparent rod. In this rod there are "antennae", on the tips of which there are small seals. Outside of the rod there is a special nylon thread. Due to the fact that it is nylon, it cannot cause any inflammatory processes, moreover, the thread is very thin, so there is no mechanical friction on the surface of the uterus. When pulling the thread towards itself, the antennae take the opposite position in the rod. If the thread is released, the antennae straighten out in the uterine cavity. In addition, the presence of these antennae reduces the friction of the contraceptive and prevents the spiral from falling out of the uterine cavity.

    Types of intrauterine contraception

    Pharmaceutical production produces 2 groups of intrauterine contraceptives. The first group is inert contraceptives. The representative of this group is the Lipps loop. It was made from polyethylene plastic. Now it is practically not used, since the indicator of its effectiveness is very small. The second group is medical contraceptives.

    They are also very divided into those that have components of copper, silver or gold in their composition, and those that include synthetic hormones. The main indicator in choosing a contraceptive should be the Pearl index.

    This is an indicator that reflects the effectiveness of the chosen method of contraception. The lower it is, the better the method. According to the results of experimental studies, the effectiveness of drugs belonging to the first group is 91-93%, copper-containing - 98.3%, hormone-producing - 99.8%.

    Mechanism of action

    The spiral operates on the principle of introducing a foreign body. After a spiral is inserted into the uterine cavity, the body's defense mechanisms are activated. Initially begins to secrete great amount mucus, then specific cells accumulate in the place of the spiral, which help to reduce the activity of spermatozoa. After that, the uterus begins to contract very strongly, and the egg quickly moves from the tube into the organ cavity, so it cannot be fertilized.

    Types of spirals

    Consider the most famous spirals on the pharmaceutical shelves, since women very often come to consult a doctor with the question: “Need an intrauterine device, which one is better?” Only a gynecologist after a series of studies can determine which one will be best for you.

    So, the Mirena intrauterine device. It refers to hormone-containing contraceptives. It contains levonorgestrel. Has a T-shape. Inside the rod is a hormone. Immediately after installing the helix, the system immediately begins to release the active component.

    Every day, 20 micrograms of the substance enters the uterine cavity. After using the contraceptive for 10 years, the concentration of the released substance decreases to 10 μg, which affects the efficiency indicator. Its principle of operation is slightly different from other means.

    After the fertilized egg has moved into the uterine cavity, the secreted hormone begins to act. After that, the activity of the uterine epithelium decreases, and the egg can no longer attach, implantation does not occur. The hormone affects the activity of sperm movement. Due to the hyperproduction of cervical mucus, male germ cells simply cannot rise up. It is indicated to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but it is often used even with very heavy menstrual bleeding, the etiology of which has not been elucidated.

    Group of contraindications to the use of the spiral:

    • inflammation of the endometrium after childbirth;
    • inflammatory processes in the pelvic cavity;
    • an abortion performed 3 months before the installation of the system;
    • infection located in the lower parts Bladder.

    Side effects are mainly associated with hormonal imbalance in the body, which is manifested by weight gain.

    The second system most commonly used by women is the Multiload intrauterine device. Multiload Cu-375 has a copper bearing surface area of ​​375 square meters. mm. It differs from T-shaped coils in a special anatomical design, as a result of which the corners of the uterus are not irritated, and the likelihood of rejection is reduced. The indications are exactly the same as for all contraceptives. The essence of protection is that fertilization does not occur due to the spermicidal effect on male germ cells. Side effects after using it - insignificant.

    Removal of the intrauterine device occurs according to certain indications, namely:

    • the desire of the patient;
    • expiration of the term of use;
    • period of menopause;

    After using such a method of contraception as an intrauterine spiral, the reviews are quite contradictory. Women are satisfied with the effectiveness of this contraceptive option, but side effects in the form of changes in emotional disruptions (irritability, tearfulness) give reason to think again whether it is worth using it. Everyone should carefully approach the solution of this issue, weighing all the pros and cons well, and only then make a decision. Love yourself and be healthy.

    Intrauterine devices are among the most common means of intrauterine contraception, they are special devices introduced into the uterine cavity, and are intended to prevent unwanted pregnancy in women. Intrauterine devices are installed exclusively by a doctor, in the conditions appropriate for this procedure. As a rule, the installation of a spiral does not cause any particular difficulties, however, there are a number of contraindications for its use. In addition, some complications that arise when using an intrauterine device are not excluded, and it makes sense to mention this in more detail.

    Complications that often occur when the coil is incorrectly installed and used can be observed in women who this remedy contraception is not entirely appropriate for a number of reasons. To whom can intrauterine devices be recommended, and to whom are contraindicated? Spirals can be a very suitable method of contraception for women who, for some reason, are not able to use other methods, for example, birth control pills. As a rule, spirals are recommended for use by women who have regular sex life with a regular partner who is married. It must be remembered that not only possible complications that occur in some cases when using an intrauterine device can ruin a woman's life. In particular, this method of contraception is not able to protect against sexually transmitted diseases, and it can be successfully used only when the woman is healthy in terms of gynecology. In turn, contraindications for the use of the spiral are transferred sexual infections, including those that occurred 10-12 months before installation.

    It is absolutely contraindicated to install an intrauterine device in the presence of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, during pregnancy, including the intended one, with uterine bleeding, in the presence of malignant neoplasms in the genital area, as well as under other conditions that prevent the successful use of the product. In addition, many diseases can be relative contraindications, such as heart disease, inflammation internal organs, diabetes etc.

    Now directly about the complications that may arise when using a spiral. Enough common problem is that the spiral can fall out of the uterine cavity, and most often this trouble occurs in the first time after its installation (from several hours to 3 months). Usually, after the expiration of this period of time, it is said that the spiral has taken root in the uterus and then the probability of its loss is significantly reduced. The loss of the coil itself is not dangerous, but it is very important to pay attention to this problem in a timely manner so that the doctor can correctly select the model and size of the new coil.

    The body of a woman gradually gets used to a foreign object inside herself, usually it takes from 3 to 8 months. It is during this period that complications most often occur. Inflammatory ailments of the genital organs can worsen, as well as new infections that have previously been hidden. It is very important when the first signs of an illness appear, such as itching, burning, pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, chills, general malaise, heat body, seek medical attention promptly. With the introduction of an intrauterine device, complications such as uterine bleeding of a different nature are quite common: they can be moderate, bloody, occurring between menstruation, or heavy, heavy, during menstruation. In such situations, the doctor usually prescribes an individual treatment for the woman, however, if the bleeding cannot be stopped, and medications do not have the desired effect, the spiral may have to be removed. Often, women refuse to install an intrauterine contraceptive if the process is somehow difficult or noticeably painful.

    Quite serious, but, fortunately, a rare complication is the puncture of the uterus with an intrauterine device. According to available statistics, one woman who decides to put a spiral out of 5 thousand experiences this complication and its consequences. Basically, the puncture of the uterus with a spiral occurs when you try to install or remove the device, most often this problem is detected in a timely manner and the woman is needed health care. In the future, no special complications most often do not occur. However, the most dangerous is the puncture of the spiral of the uterus during its normal use. Experts still find it difficult to answer the question of what exactly causes the development of this situation, however, the main symptoms of a puncture are known for certain:

    1. Pain different character in the stomach. They can be mild discomfort, or severe sharp pain. They can appear in the bladder, lower back, pelvic region, etc.

    2. When there is internal bleeding, there is characteristic symptoms: pallor, dizziness, general weakness, palpitations.

    The main advantages of the spiral are:

    1. High efficiency (98%).

    2. Possibility of long-term use (from 2 to 5 years).

    3. Does not affect the entire body as a whole.

    4. The ability to become pregnant is restored after 1-2 menstrual cycles.

    5. Can be used by women over 35.

    6. Installing the spiral does not take much time.

    The main disadvantages of the spiral are:

    1. They are less effective than birth control pills.

    2. Does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

    3. Possible displacement, loss of the spiral, not noticed by the woman, and the onset of an unwanted pregnancy.